I did a lot of research on this story and found a number of images that helped me picture the people and events more clearly. The young Sandra Dee, in her "Gidget" period, seemed like the perfect Katie. I didn't try very hard to find Win, because the redheaded men whose pictures I've found didn't seem right to me. Finally, I found a picture of Sandra Dee and Troy Donahue embracing in what is apparently a poster from their movie, A Summer Place. I'd always thought Troy was blond, but he looked distinctly red-haired in the picture I found. So I went looking for a ppicture of him in a suit. My Win Frayne can be found here.
I hope you've enjoyed reading The Carhop and the College Boy as much as I've enjoyed writing it!
Disclaimer: Characters from the Trixie Belden series are the property of Random House. They are used without permission, although with a great deal of affection and respect. All other material on these pages copyright 2010-2012 by MaryN/Dianafan. Images from istockphoto.com; manipulated by Mary N in Photoshop. Graphics copyright by Mary N 2012.
Story copyright by Mary N, 2012.