For years I felt no need to try to make a cast page, although I've greatly enjoyed looking at the cast pages of other people. Finally, Julie (macjest) inspired me to assemble some images to show the characters who live in my imagination. Some of the choices have been inspired by other people's cast pages. Warning--my notes are very wordy! I didn't ask permission to use any images (unless noted), but also am making no profit. For a few images, derived from commercial products, I do give credit and hope those who are in the market will consider their use. Every image doesn't perfectly express my idea for the character, but is as close as I could come.
Manor House Stable: This image is part of a painting by Michael Lewis that I found while searching for images for my story Life Among the Daisy-cutters. I tried to find out more about Michael Lewis in order to ask his permission to use the art, because it was the first stable pic (of dozens, at least!) that spoke to me. Sadly, I wasn't able to discover anything more.
William Regan: Something about this image of Zack Ward spoke to me about the young runaway who ended up as the Wheelers' stable manager, although his hair's a bit light. I thought about darkening it, but the background in this picture is so dark I decided not to do it.
Daniel Mangan: A couple of people have liked Zac Efron for Dan, and so do I! He's yummy and looks young, although maybe has a bit more stubble than I picture for the boy I believe was 14-15 when he arrived in Sleepyside.
Ike Maypenny: I chose the name Ike for Mr. Maypenny, although I haven't decided for certain if it's short for Isaac or Dwight (President "Ike" Eisenhower's name). Dennis Weaver in this image seemed to personify the independent, weathered hermit who lives in sustainable style on his own pie-shaped piece of land, smack in the middle of the Wheeler preserve.
Mr. Maypenny's cabin: Image purchased from The setting isn't quite as I picture Maypenny's clearing, but the cabin is exactly like I imagine his.
Note, I didn't change any eye colors for these characters!
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Disclaimer: Characters from the Trixie Belden series are the property of Random House. They are used without permission, although with a great deal of affection and respect. All other material on these pages copyright 2012 by MaryN/Dianafan. Images from Microsoft Clip art and and manipulated by Mary N in Photoshop. Graphics copyright by Mary N 2012.