The Sands of Time universe explores the history of the Belden, Wheeler, Lynch and Frayne families, moving from the distant past into the future of the adult Bob-Whites. Stories are posted in chronological order, so new stories may pop up anywhere in the timeline. I don't think they contain spoilers! As a member of the Jixemitri Author community, I have rated all stories according to the Jixemitri star rating system. Red star-rated stories require the Jixemitri password. Please email *here* if you are over 18 and wish to receive the password, giving your name and date of birth. Please allow 24 hours for a reply, although in some cases it may take longer, due to illness or other real life issues. Requests will not be answered on weekends or holidays. I cannot give you the password; you must request it as stated.

The Trixie Belden series and its characters are the property of Random House. The characters are used here without permission, although with a geat deal of respect and affection. I am making no profit from their appearances in my stories! All stories at this site copyright by MaryN/ Dianafan 2005-2017.

Easy-read/print PDF files are available for some of my stories. Click for a free download of the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader software.

email me!Please email me before reading if you have questions about story content that may be emotionally upsetting.

  • In June of 1949, a young Katie Vanderheiden starts her first job. An inauspicious meeting exposes her to a new world of possibilities. Originally posted for my fifth anniversary as a Jixemitri author, on February 25, 2012.
    Chapter 1       Chapter 2       Chapter 3       Chapter 4       Chapter 5       Chapter 6       Chapter 7
    ***Read/print friendly PDF coming soon!
  • Win and Katie have taken a giant step in their relationship. Join them for an intimate night in the city that never sleeps. Originally posted for my sixth anniversary as a Jixemitri author, on February 25, 2013.
    ***Read/print friendly PDF coming soon!
  • What were James and Nell Frayne doing while their nephew was getting married? And how will they react to the news that Win has married without their knowledge? Originally posted for my seventh anniversary as a Jixemitri author, on February 25, 2014.
    ***Read/print friendly PDF coming soon!
  • Join Katie and Win Frayne for three very special Christmases. Originally posted Dec. 16, 2009, as a gift to CathyP, this story is a part of the Jixemitri Secret Santa giftfic exchange.
    ***Read/print friendly PDF coming soon!
  • Win and Katie Frayne's son, Jimmy, is about to turn four years old, and the young family is preparing for a trip to Sleepyside. Have the stubborn, redheaded Frayne men reconciled? Originally posted July 17, 2017.
    ***Read/print friendly PDF coming soon!
  • In the summerhouse at Ten Acres, a long, hot summer day slides into evening. Originally posted August 6, 2017.
    ***Read/print friendly PDF coming soon!
  • James and Nell Frayne try to escape the heat at the end of a hot August day. But a fateful encounter awaits them in their favorite spot, the summerhouse. Originally posted August 7, 2017.
    ***Read/print friendly PDF coming soon!
  • Ed and Margaret Lynch were childhood sweethearts, as Diana told Trixie and Honey in The Happy Valley Mystery. How did they meet, and how did their early lives influence their own family life? Originally posted in 2006.
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  • Madeleine Wheeler is the epitome of a cool and sophisticated society hostess. How and why did her relationship with Honey develop the way it did? Originally posted during the sixth anniversary of Jixemitri in March, 2006.
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  • Danny Mangan was impatient for Christmas, and worried about the lack of snow for Santa Claus' sleigh. A special gift from his dad helps make the wait easier. Written especially for Ronda as a Secret Santa giftfic and posted December 2010. I've been advised that a hanky warining should be issued.
  • A day in the life of Diana Lynch – before fabulous wealth turns her world upside down. A Back-to-School CWP, posted in 2006.
    ***Get a read/print friendly PDF: DOWNLOAD ZIP FILE 103KB
  • The Lynches' lives were turned upside down when Ed caught a lucky break. What was it like for Margaret to be catapulted into instant wealth?
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  • Beautiful, sophisticated, and glamorous, Madeleine Wheeler has been an asset through twelve years of marriage to wealthy entrepreneur Matthew, who leveraged inherited wealth into a business empire. What will happen to their partnership when an old girlfriend seeks Matt’s support in a new business venture? First chapter posted for my ninth Jixaversary on February 25, 2016.
    Password required due to theme of characters’ sexual relationship and related emotions, rather than explicit details or language.
  • Aunt Alicia's visit causes some upheaveal in the Belden household.
    Prologue       Chapter 1       Chapter 2       Chapter 3       Chapter 4       Chapter 5       Chapter 6 and Epilogue
  • It's the first Thanksgiving for the Lynch family in their luxurious new home. Diana longs for their crowded, cozy apartment, where she was important to her family, and proud of her responsibility. The family's new wealth, which once seemed like a dream come true, has created complications she never expected. Originally posted beginning September 19, 2010.
  • Remember the conversation between Trixie and Honey in Red Trailer, when Trixie describes going to lunch at the Lynch Estate on a Saturday and seeing the Robin? We know Diana was uncomfortable in her new life of wealth. But why did she distance herself from all the old friends she’d known for nearly her whole life? Originally posted for my 8th anniversary as a Jixemitri author on February 25, 2015.
  • How and when did Regan come to work for the Wheeler family? Terry (chromasnake) doesn't hang out at Jix any more (as far as I know), but she suggested one scenario that spoke to me very convincingly. This story is my take on the redheaded groom's life before, during, and shortly after Secret of the Mansion. Written for CWE #9, Down With Cancer, Long Live Amy! this story originally appeared on March 1, 2015, exclusively in the PDF compilation honoring Amy, a former Jix author who passed away in July 2014.
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  • How did Tom Delanoy and Celia meet? And how did Tom make the jump from the Cameo to the Manor House? Written for CWE #25, this story meets the requirements for #10 and #19, and was originally posted November 25, 2022.
  • Ben Riker's mom had a better offer for Thanksgiving weekend, so Ben is visiting his Sleepyside cousins. Join him in the lemon-yellow convertible for a memorable holiday. Originally posted February 25, 2011.
  • The BWGs are spending Christmas in Arizona, and it’s Christmas Eve. Back home, Larry Lynch is anxious for Santa to arrive, and he’s in a pretty important spot as the oldest child–for once! At the Lynch estate, four children are anticipating a visit from the jolly old elf. Originally posted December 10, 2014, and dedicated to a dear Jix friend, Pat B (Amygirl).
  • Bill Regan is the redheaded groom who cares for the Wheeler horses, who grew up in an orphanage. When a strange boy comes to live with Mr. Maypenny, Trixie’s curiosity is sparked. Did Regan know about Dan before the letter from Judge Armen? And why didn’t he openly tell the BWGs about his nephew? An entry for CWE #19, Good Help is Hard to Find, and originally posted February 25, 2019.
  • As the holidays draw near, it’s time for Jim Frayne to take the college entrance exams and make decide where he&lsquo:ll continue his education, keeping in mind the scholarship he won before arriving in Sleepyside. Join him as he navigates his path forward. Originally posted December 17, 2022, this story was written as a Secret Santa giftfic for the lovely Trish.
  • This is a very short account that Mart might have written in his journal immediately after the dangerous avalanche in which he was trapped during The Mystery at Mead's Mountain. Originally posted June 27, 2015 and is an entry in CWE #11, Mary's Marvelous Mart Month, honoring Mcarey.
  • Hot summer nights ... sometimes it can be hard to sleep. Find out what happens to sixteen year-old Mart on one of those nights. Posted June 1, 2007.
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  • Exchange student Guendolina di Bartolomeo is preparing to leave her home in Naples, Italy, to spend a year in Sleepyside, New York, where the Wheelers will be her host family. What changes are in store for her? Orignally posted as a Secret Santa giftfic for the lovely WendyM on December 17, 2013.
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  • The Bob-White girls must find something to do when the boys are unable to attend the Sleepyside High School Sweethearts Dance. My initiation story as a Jixemitri Author, this was originally posted on February 25, 2007.
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  • The Bob-White girls are preparing for their hula recital when they learn that their teacher is searching for a special family keepsake. First chapter posted for my first anniversary as a Jix author, February 25, 2008.
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  • Sixteen-year-old Hallie is faced with several unpleasant alternatives for the coming school year. Which will she choose–or which will be chosen for her? Written for the Jixemitri CWE #3 challenge, "A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words" and posted on September 14, 2012.
    ***Read/print friendly PDF coming soon!
  • Trixie learns that her cousin Hallie will be arriving soon for an extended visit. Written for the CWE #3 challenge and posted on September 14, 2012.
    ***Read/print friendly PDF coming soon!
  • During Hallie Belden's visit to Sleepyside, Dan Mangan starts a new chapter in his life. What happens when an irresistible force meets an immovable object? Originally posted March 15, 2014 as part of the Seven Shades of Red project.
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  • It’s a few days later and Hallie is experiencing some of the unintended consequences of her actions in Broken. Introduced in book #17, Hallie’s a few years older now, but still hasn’t quite found her way in life. Originally posted March 8, 2017, as an entry in the Jixemitri is 17: A Picture is Worth 100 Words CWC.
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  • Hallie Belden’s Christmas plans go gnarly when her parents must go out of town. When her roommate, Joanne Darnell is offered a job at Mead’s Mountain over the holidays, she invites Hallie to join her. But instead of a magic carpet ride, the two girls encounter a series of moguls and gusts that threaten to toss them into the chowder.
    Written especially for Deanna (c’estmo1) as a Secret Santa giftfic, December 2015.
    ***Get a read/print friendly PDF: DOWNLOAD ZIP FILE 274KB
  • Honey Wheeler is stranded in Boston over Christmas when a major snowstorm paralyzes the city. What happens when she and Brian Belden meet for a friendly dinner? Written especially for Susansuth as a Secret Santa giftfic, December 2008.
    ***Get a read/print friendly PDF: DOWNLOAD ZIP FILE 129KB
  • Honey Wheeler and Brian Belden began dating at Christmas time. Now she's about to graduate and he'll soon be starting his residency. Where is their relatioship going? An entry in the Jixemitri CWE #3 challenge, originally posted October 6, 2012.
    ***Read/print friendly PDF coming soon!
  • Join Diana Lynch as she starts her day on a fine spring morning. A lighthearted piece written in response to a messageboard challenge, posted in 2006.
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  • Brian and Honey's relationship moved to “the next level” a while back. But future life plans are on hold as he completes his medical training. However, as the poet Robert Burns once wrote, “the best laid schemes of mice and men gang aft a-gley.” Offered as a prize during the 2023 JixAnny celebration raffle and completed for the lovely Julia, who chose it as her prize. Posted May 21, 2024.
    ***Read/print friendly PDF coming eventually.
  • Every detail of Diana and Mart's wedding has been planned and studied for months. Every moment has been scheduled and practiced. That means everything will smoothly fall into place–right? Originally posted on my 16th Jixaversary, February 25, 2023.
  • Mart and Diana welcome a new arrival. Originally posted September 3, 2012, this story is an entry in the Jixemitri CWE #3 story challenge.
  • A glimpse of Trixie’s married life after baby. My very first Trixie fanfic, posted in 2005.
    ***Get a read/print friendly PDF: DOWNLOAD ZIP FILE 69.6KB
  • Honey’s dreams of establishing Christmas traditions for her new family don’t go as smoothly as she had hoped....
    Written especially for PatK as a Secret Santa giftfic, December 2016.
    ***Get a read/print friendly PDF: DOWNLOAD ZIP FILE 225KB
  • Jim and Trixie have been married for ten years when he makes a startling discovery about his birth parents, Winthrop and Katie Frayne. How will the new information affect his relationships with his wife and young family? Originally posted December 14, 2012, this story was written as a Secret Santa giftfic for the lovely Joycey (bundysbaby).

Seashore image and blue decorative swash from and in the public domain; manipulated by me in Photoshop Elements. Stories copyright by MaryN, 2005-2025.

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