For years I felt no need to try to make a cast page, although I've greatly enjoyed looking at the cast pages of other people. Finally, Julie (macjest) inspired me to assemble some images to show the characters who live in my imagination. Some of the choices have been inspired by other people's cast pages. Warning--my notes are very wordy! I didn't ask permission to use any images (unless noted), but also am making no profit. For a few images, derived from commercial products, I do give credit and hope those who are in the market will consider their use. Every image doesn't perfectly express my idea for the character, but is as close as I could come.

Crabapple Farm: This image is used with the permission of the photographer: the blogger of Beeps 'n Rays. She writes about travel, sewing projects, photgraphy, quilting, and more. It is a photograph of the "Little House on Rocky Ridge," the farmhouse near Mansfield, Missouri, where Laura Ingalls Wilder spent most of her life. The post linked is from 2010. I discovered it in 2013 and wrote her for permission in 2013. She granted permission with the condition she didn't want her real name being used. The most recent post I could find on her blog today was from 2012, so I don't know if she's still blogging. The house comes much closer to my idea of a "farmhouse" than photographs of Julie Campbell's home, Wolf Hollow, although I'm not sure if the interior fits my ideas about the Beldens' home.

Peter Belden: Bonnie chose George Clooney as her Brian, but I was looking for images in which the characters could be close to the ages they first appeared in the Trixie series, and I couldn't find any young images of George that worked for me. But this one seemed perfect for Peter...after I transplanted a mustache from a photo of Tom Selleck. I think he's pretty dreamy!

Helen Belden: Meg Ryan has been used by others as either Helen or Trixie. I used a pic of an older Meg for Helen and a younger one for Trixie, since I've always felt that Meg was perfect for Trixie as she appeared with curls in When Harry Met Sally. Sadly Meg's hair was longer in that movie than I wanted, so as a result my Trixie might look a bit older than my other female BWGs.

Brian Belden: This is another image of Darren Criss (also used by Julie and Vivian). I need a fan!

Mart Belden: A young Ian Ziering seemed perfect as a teenaged Mart, although I've also always been partial to Matt Damon. It was a hard choice but Ian won out.

Trixie Belden: As noted, a younger Meg Ryan filled the role for me. I added a few freckles, but liked the natural look and tousled hair of this pic. It was difficult to choose between this image and a color pic of an apparently older teen Hayley Mills.

Bobby Belden: A younger Jimmy Jax Pinchak (also used by Vivian) seemed the perfect embodiment of the young Bobby from the books. He still has baby teeth in the pic.

Note, I didn't change any eye colors for these characters!

Wheelers Lynches Fraynes
Regans Idaho Beldens Other Characters

Disclaimer: Characters from the Trixie Belden series are the property of Random House. They are used without permission, although with a great deal of affection and respect. All other material on these pages copyright 2012 by MaryN/Dianafan. Images obtained from Google searches and manipulated by Mary N in Photoshop. Graphics copyright by Mary N 2016.

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