For years I felt no need to try to make a cast page, although I've greatly enjoyed looking at the cast pages of other people. Finally, Julie (macjest) inspired me to assemble some images to show the characters who live in my imagination. Some of the choices have been inspired by other people's cast pages. Warning--my notes are very wordy! I didn't ask permission to use any images (unless noted), but also am making no profit. For a few images, derived from commercial products, I do give credit and hope those who are in the market will consider their use. Every image doesn't perfectly express my idea for the character, but is as close as I could come.

Manor House: This image is a photograph of "Whitehall", in Louisville, Kentucky, formerly an estate home and now used for wedding receptions and such. I have purchased several images over the years that I felt were likely candidates for the Manor House, but when this one seemed to resemble the depiction of the Manor House that can be partially glimpsed in an illustration from The Marshland Mystery, and I decided this is it. Most likely it doesn't resemble a real New York State mansion! Used without permission, but if you're in the market for a venue for a reception, it might fit your needs.

Matthew Wheeler: A young-ish Robert Redford was the top candidate for Matthew until I found this image of George Peppard. I suspect the original image was color-enhanced, but I didn't adjust the eye or hair color! I did change the background from red to the sage green shown, and toned down the red shadow of George's shirt. He's very handsome! Another photo I found that was apparently a very young George Peppard sitting on the deck of a yacht inspired me.

Madeleine Wheeler: I've said before that Grace Kelly was my Madeleine from the beginning! Her coloring, her regal air, and a photo of Grace wearing her hair in a kind of braid coronet like Madeleine wore in the Cameo edition of Red Trailer Mystery cemented that choice.

Ben Riker: OK, Ben isn't really a Wheeler, but he's related to them! Troy Donahue in this image looks quite a bit like the picture of Ben from Mystery Off Glen Road when he wakes Trixie to tell her Bobby is missing; his rather surly expression shows that he is aware of how the Bob-Whites feel about him.

Honey Wheeler: A young Grace Kelly would have been my first choice, but sadly, hairstyles popular when my stories are set were not popular when Grace was a young actress. Several candidates auditioned for Honey, but when I did a search for actresses who look like Grace Kelly, I discovered the lovely Chloe Grace Moretz. Her youth, hair, hazel eyes, and sweet expression seemed the best fit yet.

Jim Frayne: I think this is another image of Oliver Dale, used by Vivian and Deanna. Sadly it's another image I saved without adding the name and I can't be certain. He's young, looks rugged but clean-cut and has green eyes. The Jim of my imagination has hair that's a little more wavy/curly, though.

Note, I didn't change any eye colors for these characters!

Wheelers Lynches Fraynes
Regans Idaho Beldens Other Characters

Disclaimer: Characters from the Trixie Belden series are the property of Random House. They are used without permission, although with a great deal of affection and respect. All other material on these pages copyright 2016 by MaryN/Dianafan. Images obtained from google searches and manipulated by Mary N in Photoshop. Graphics copyright by Mary N 2016.

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